Hanshi Ross

About Hanshi Ross

Hanshi Robert G. Ross 8th Dan, Technical Director of the SJJA has over 40 years experience of teaching, instructing and coaching Ju Jitsu. He has the responsibility to coach the coaches as well as ensure the standards are maintained within the Association.

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The Gravity of it all......

By Hanshi Ross, 2016-04-06
The Gravity of it all......

Have you ever considered how fast your opponent falls to the floor? Is it possible to make your opponent go faster than the gravitational pull exerted on his/her body? If you consider that for any throw the maximum height you will be thrown from is about 1.75 metres and at approx 10 metres per second squared there is no possibility you can reach terminal velocity. We can calculate how fast a 12 stone person can be propelled to the ground with simply gravity alone from the 1.75 height.......you will find the time span quite small. The question therefore is, can you effectively propel your opponent to the floor faster than the garvitational pull exerted upon him within the 1.75 metres. This is a subject matter which has raised some debate over the years and I welcome everyone's view on this.

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